Secret des archives

En construction

Le fond de Moscou

2 réponses

  1. Bennett Tucker dit :

    Good Day,
    I am researching Arthur Wachsberger — especially his furniture shop « The Cultivated Home » in Tel Aviv in the 1930s. I am looking for more information on Arthur Wachsberger, such as the location of his personal archive collections, and I want to make contact with any descendants who might have information. Can you please respond with any helpful information on Arthur Wachsberger or his descendants? It would be much appreciated. Feel free to respond in any language.
    Bennett Tucker

  1. juin 27, 2024

    […] sa fille Suzy mais sa femme, Paula, est restée, un temps, coincée à Berlin. Dans un dossier du Fond de Moscou, on découvre que son frère Oskar (qui signe ici Oscar), établi en France depuis 1933, a tenté, […]

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